
Journal index to March 2023 is now available

Please find attached the latest index to the SFHS journal which inow includes the March 2023 journal. 

SFHS Journal Index as at Mar 2023.pdf325.35 KB

Journal index to December 2022 is now available

Please find attached the latest index to the SFHS journal which inow includes the December 2022 journal. 

SFHS Journal Index as at December 2022.pdf285.32 KB

SFHS team unable to attend Burwarton Show

One of our team of volunteers has tested positive for Covid which means it is no longer possible for SFHS to be represented at the Burwarton Show on 04/08/22.



Shropshire Archives helpdesk - volunteers needed

Hello  do you have a free morning once a month?
If so perhaps you may consider joining the group of volunteer's that work on the Society's Help Desk at Shropshire Archives in Shrewsbury? 
Our aim is to get back to having volunteers available on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning from 10am until 1pm but we currently need more volunteers if we are to be able to achieve that aim. 
There are two of the group on duty each session, helping visitors with the Family History enquiries which can be very varied and interesting and occasionally provide an insight into aspects of research that have later helped volunteers progress their own research. Training sessions are provided both by the staff of the Archives and through the fact that for the initial few sessions new volunteers will be paired up with a volunteer who has experience. 
You don't have to be a computer expert or an expert in Genealogy, you just need to be a member of Shropshire Family History Society, know your way around researching family history and be able to get to Shropshire Archives once a month. 
If you are interested in joining our group of volunteers and would like to find out more I would love to hear from you. 
Liz Roberts (Member 5965) 
email -

Journal index to March 2022 now available

Due to ongoing technical issues it is not currently possible to update the Journal Index that is available from the Online Databases link. 

The latest version which now includes the March 2022 journal is available here.

SFHS Journal Index as at Mar 2022.pdf280.55 KB

Journal index to December 2021 now available

Due to ongoing technical issues it is not currently possible to update the Journal Index that is available from the Online Databases link. 

The latest version which now includes the December 2021 journal is available here.

SFHS Journal Index as at Dec 2021.pdf480.92 KB

Book review - The Industrious Child Worker

The University of Hertfordshire Press have provided inforation about a new publication which may be of interest to SFHS members but is not currently avaliable from our bookstall..

The Industrious Child Worker

Child labour and childhood in Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1750–1900

Author: Mary Nejedly

At the moment the price is £13.59 (free p&p), ordered direct from   Full price will be £16.99.

This book deals with the child workers in the industries in Birmingham and the West Midlands from the mid eighteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century.  Children made a valuable contribution to the family finances and families were encouraged to move from rural areas so that their children could work from an early age.  Mary Nejedly's book also emphasises the important role played by child workers in industrialisation itself.  Both children's education and health could and did suffer.  Her research sheds fresh light on the life of working children and increases our knowledge of an important aspect of social and economic history.



AGM - Executive Committee nomination form

Our Annual General Meeting will take place using Zoom on Tuesday 18/01/22. Further details, including the annual reports and accounts are available in the December journal which is in the post at the time of writing.

Last year we were joined by some new members on the committee who have already provided some fresh ideas which will help us take the Society forward but as ever there are still a couple of vacancies available for more members to join us. 

Please see the note attached from our Secretary, Dave Morris which includes a blank nomination form for use by members. Please consider if you are able to express an interest on behalf of yourself or submit a nomination form for another member or an existing committee member who has expressed a willingness to stand again. 

Full details are included on the attachment but further information can be provided by Dave who can be contacted at secretary @ (remove spaces to use).



2022 Nomination Form (Executive Committee).pdf232.83 KB

Members - do we have your current email address?

In response to the request in the September journal for email addresses to be checked and updated, if out of date, many updates have been received. 

The experience gained whilst setting up the meetings on Zoom has demonstrated how important it is that we are able to keep in touch with members by email. 

If you are happy to be contacted by email and have recently changed your email address or think there is a chance we don't hold the most up to date address please could you email our Secretary, Dave Morris at secretary @ (remove spaces to use) so we have your up to date details. 

Please include your name and membership number (if possible) so that Dave can update our membership records and hopefully ensure that future distribution of information by email will get to as many members as possible. 


New Zealand cheques can't be processed

Please note that we have recently been notified by our bank that they are no longer able to process cheques from New Zealand and so we will need to enable payments by another method for new applications and for renewals at the end of September. 

Alternative methods to pay for subscriptions are under consideration and will be publicised as soon as possible. Details will be included in the September journal.