Have you updated your Society Standing Order?

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SFHS WebMaster
Last seen: 3 years 30 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 20-02-2013

It's renewal time and, as you should be aware, the fee for membership of Shropshire FHS is going up on 1st Oct 2013 to £10, this is now a flat charge per household rather than a different payment for single or joint membership.
Have you amended your standing order with your bank to pay  30-97-62 01353194 £10 from 1st October 2013? You may be able to do this on-line/by telephone or you may need a Standing Order Form, for any method you will need your membership number(s) which is/are on the front of the latest journal envelope, before your name:-

1234 Mr  A GENEALOGIST or 5678/9876 Mr & Mrs F HISTORIANS

PS if it doesn't say "[GAD]" at the end of the line above your name, then we haven't received a Gift-Aid Form from you, if you are eligible, then please fill one out and send that to us as well.

Thank you.