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Last seen: 9 years 36 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 20-07-2011

I am researching the four lines of my family tree - as mentioned in the title. I am mainly looking for information on the Cullis side but would love to here from anyone looking at the same lines as me!

My Father is Leslie Gordon Apollo Stephan b.1946 and my Mother is Anne Roberta Gennoe b.1953


I was advised by Steve Dewhirst of the Broseley Local History Society that a gentleman visited his stand at the last SFHS open day whom had carried out a lot of research on the Cullis family. I do have a copy of a family tree that my Auntie gave me and am yet to go through and verify it, as there appears to be a few errors in the latest details - so dont know how accurate it is.


I have done a lot of work on this line which date backs to a Pierre Stephan with connections with the loca Beard family too.


of Newport. I believe they came down from Yorkshire, from the info that I have. I was told that my Mum's Grandad Ernest Viney was a professional golfer but I dont know where to look for more info about this?


It seems they date back to Shropshire even in the 1500s...still working on this, as its quite lengthy.


Penny x


Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello. Just wonder if it might not be best to fill readers in with more detail. All rather vague at mo. Where are you stuck?

Yes, Genno and variants appear in Pontesbury registers from almost the start (which is 1538) with the family of John Genno, obviously a yeoman, of the Lea. His Will was proved in 1558 at Hereford but has not survived. A family was also at Edgerley, in Kinnerley (not Kinnersley) parish, north of the Severn, at the start of the surviving registers in 1677. Whether they were a branch of the Lea family is as yet impossible to say. But elsewhere I have seen a link between a Pontesbury and as Edgerley family.

However, there is no reason to think that Genno is a single male stock. The definitive "Welsh Surnames" by TJ and Prys Morgan advises that it derives, as an "hypocoristic" or pet version of the Welsh forename Ieuan. (Same way as Bedo [ from which Beddoes etc ] from Maredudd / Meredith). As such there might be many separate origins. You can try going through the grouped surname variants (using Genno) in IGI for Salop, surname-only, all years, and see the geographical spread.

Apart from what is so revealed there may be other groups that were "lurking" in parishes where the surviving registers start late; and this might apply to Gennos who appear in, say, Broseley or Benthall. There are other techniques and records to look for such.

By the way, the late Prncess of Wales was one of the many descendants of the John Genno mentioned earlier - but don't get carried away!!

SFHS WebMaster (not verified)

Hi Penny, I know the member, Dr Cullis, that Stephen Dewhirst mentioned and have emailed to make him aware of your posting, so I hope, for you, he responds.


Last seen: 9 years 36 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 20-07-2011

Hi Martyn

Thank you kindly for your information and apologies for the delay in respodning to this post. I have been working on the start of my dissertation for University next year. Perhaps taken on far too much at the moment!

I only really provided the details of other family members incase there were people on here researching the same trees - hence the vagueness. However, the information you gave me on the Gennoe surname is very interesting - I believe it is the Kinnersley family that I descend from. Although, plenty more research required!

SFHS, thank you for contacting Dr. Cullis on my behalf. It is greatly appreciated.

nick cullis
Last seen: 13 years 1 day ago
Joined: Thursday, 22-09-2011

hi my names nick cullis  im in penn wolverhampton  im trying to research my family history  would appreciate any imfo  you have on the cullis name thanks nick cullis