DAVIES / DAVIS's of Pontesbury and Shrewsbury

3 replies [Last post]
Last seen: 8 years 43 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 8-07-2012

Is anybody researching the Davies / Davis family name from the Pontesbury and Shrewsbury areas?

The earliest Ancestor I have found is Philip Davies (Sometimes shown as Phillip / Philip and Davies /  Davis) who was Baptised / Christened 16 May 1824 in Pontesbury (Source IGI). Parents would appear to be William Davis and Mary.

Philip appears to have married Elizabeth Sherry (also from Pontesbury) in Wolverhampton, 21st Sep 1846. Father shown as William Davis, (Occupation Skinner), Brides father* John Davis (Malster), Witness 1 Josiah Davis, Witness 2, Jemima Davis.

*John Sherry, the Brides biological father died in 1839

I am presuming that William Davis, John Davis, Josiah Davis and Jemima Davis are all close relatives, and possibly Father / Siblings of Philip Davis, but so far, I haven't found any records that connect the family together.

Can anybody help?


Peter D.




Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 8 hours 7 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Peter

If you look at 'Online Databases' on the blue bar above, then select Members Interests you can look up who is researching the DAVIES/DAVIS name.



Last seen: 8 years 43 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 8-07-2012

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your advice, I have sent an email to Mr John Jennings (Members Interests)

Peter D.

Last seen: 9 years 14 weeks ago
Joined: Thursday, 7-08-2014

Hello Peter,

I am the g.g. granddaughter of Jemima Davies (Davis).  She married Job Hinks and had one daughter Sarah Ann  (1859) in Wolverhampton.  Sarah Ann married Joseph Spencer in 1880  They had 5 children.  She died aged 34 years of small  pox in Liverpool.  Two of her children Joseph Henry and Martha came to Australia.  She has quite a few descendants mostly in northern Queensland but I am from Melbourne. Her other son Samuel Stanley died at the Somme in 1916.  He had spent some time in Australia and was very much loved. Jemima sadly died early.  She was in service and married Job who was 5 yrs her junior.  She was 35 and he was 30.  He did mining (coal), smelting and agricultural labouring.  He died aged 76.

I know that Jemima's parents were William and Mary Parry.  That is as far as I have been able to go.  This may be of interest to you.  I certainly hope it gives a fuller story of their lives. 

Sincerely,  Robyn