Death 1870 Wombridge

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Last seen: 5 years 38 weeks ago
Joined: Wednesday, 24-12-2014

Morning all,

My relative John HOWELLS was a collier at Wombridge but died 26th October 1870 by explosion of fire damp. I don't know if there are records that survive that might give more information, but if anyone can help I would be very appreciative.


Last seen: 4 years 29 weeks ago
Joined: Thursday, 9-06-2011

Hello  -  my first port of call would be issues of local papers which came out shortly after the explosion, especially the Wellington Journal and the Shrewsbury Chronicle. The latter is available at Shropshire Archives, but I'm not sure of their coverage of the Wellington Journal. If you don't live in Shropshire then at modest cost the Archives provide a look up service which would be well suited to this kind of enquiry.

Best of luck!