DOWNES, William

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Last seen: 7 years 14 weeks ago
Joined: Thursday, 30-04-2015

I am researching my DOWNES family who lived in Shropshire in the 19th century.   My Great Great Grandfather William DOWNES was christened at Drayton in the Hales May 18, 1828. Parents were William and Ann and their abode was Colehurst Cottage.   I have managed to track him in the 1851 census when he lived with his wife Emma (PARKER) in Hatton Heath.  His occupation was a Cordwainer (Master) at this time.   From this (Master) notation I am wondering if he did an apprenticeship, and if so, perhaps he was supported in this by the Parish as his father's occupation was listed as a labourer in the Christening record.  I have found a William DOWNES as an apprentice shoemaker in Staffordshire, Sedgley in the 1841 census - it states in the census that he was born outside of that county.   Any suggestions on how I might try to confirm this supposition of mine.

Also, I have not been able to find parents William and Ann. in Shropshire parish records. So, I'm a bit stuck and I"m not sure where to go from here with them. Any ideas would be much appreciated.



Barbara Handley
Last seen: 1 year 4 weeks ago
Joined: Sunday, 4-03-2012

If you are on Facebook you could try Ancestry UK. 

"Ancestry Uk is unrelated to the genealogy company of the same name, but is a one stop place to discuss all your UK Ancestry and genealogy related issues, be it to gain or give advice on searching your family history to sharing pictures and stories and learning new skills and of course breaking down those brickwalls. Enjoy. "