George BROWN - Why did he come to Shropshire?

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Last seen: 13 years 2 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 18-09-2011

I have just traced George Brown (my great Grandfather) to living and working in Southwell, Nottinghamshire in his fathers (William Brown) butchers shop in 1901.  I visited the shop and slaughter yard seen in some old photos, and the shop is still a butchers shop today.  I was also lucky to find a book of reminiscences which mentions "Butcher Brown" in the local library.

In 1905 George had married Rose Swain of Churton (shropshire) and by 1911 census he is recorded as living in Wem(shropshire) and working as a butcher.  William dies in Southwell around 1922.

Any ideas as to how I might find out why George came to Shropshire? as this remains a mystery.

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 7 hours 48 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Kay

Clutching at straws really but you might like to consider the following:-

  • Post the names of Georges children on this forum in the hope that a distant cousin might come to light. You should also try to find distant cousins through any family sources you might have in the hope that the answer might have come down through the family.
  • Is it possible George served in the military and was discharged in Shropshire and found a job here?
  • You say that Rose SWAIN was from Churton, Shropshire - are you aware that there is another Churton in Cheshire, a few miles south of Chester?



Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Mike, as Rose Swain and George William Brown were married in first quarter 1905 in Atcham District I assume that her stated birthplace was the Churton at Pulverbatch. Am unable at home to check 1891 and later Censuses but wonder if her father was George Swain who in 1881 was a well pump sinker living down the road at Longden. Obviously this was associated with the small collieries in the area and he may have later moved on - not of course that there was coal at Wem (only treacle as the leg-pull goes!).

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 7 hours 48 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011


Looking at the 1891 and 1901 census Rose was the daughter of William and Elizabeth SWAIN ag lab.

In 1891 they were living at Smethcote in Hadnall parish and in 1901 they were living at Montford. By 1911 William was a widower living in Shrewsbury with one of his younger daughters.

George and Rose were living at 11 Weir Lane Wem in the 1911 census. There was no-one else in the house.

Unfortunately none of this seems to offer any clues to answer the original question.



Last seen: 13 years 2 days ago
Joined: Sunday, 18-09-2011

Thank you both for your help and suggestions, I will try and follow up asap.
