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Hello  I am trying to find the baptism of Jane Gregory . Jane married Charles Crump on 31st Dec 1793 at Longden upon Tern. I have a copy of the marriage entry but it does not say if she was a spinster or a widow. It was witnessed by Ann Gregory who if she was her sister suggests she was a spinster. I have Charles and Jane on the 1841 census living at King St Wellington. For what its worth Jane is shown as aged 70. On the 1851 census Charles is shown as a 78 year old widower living at Walker St Wellington. There is a death on free bmd in the Dec qtr 1850 for a Jane Crump and 2 for Charles in the March qtr 1852. I have asked Telford & Wrekin R.O. but they say there is no trace of thesedeaths . Help please in finding (1) Baptism of Jane Gregory c1770 and (2) deaths of Jane Crump c1840s and Charles c1850s

Thank you Terence

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
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There are further replies to your Jane Evans thread (inc one just added) that have not been acknowledged.

Cannot see that you can progress this one without the age at death of Jane, Mrs Crump. Query apply again to GRO rather than locally.

Next, in terms of candidates for a Jane Gregory you need to check IGI coverage for Stoke upon Tern. Gap in registers but query if covered by BTs. Go into IGI and use Library icon; though existence of a film does not guarantee inclusion.

I have all Gregory entries (and all Lichfield Wills) for 18th cent for Rodington and Upton Magna. Thus here is the full entry for one candidate: Rodington - 22.10.1769 Jane ill(egitimate) d of Hannah Gregory. born 24th Sept

Hannah poss she bap 1749 at High Ercall, d of James. Cannot help with this adj parish. But a warning: this surname difficult to sort in area.

In passing, seem to recall that Crump was a substantial yeoman family in High Ercall at (at least) an earlier period.


Last seen: 9 years 42 weeks ago
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Hi Terence, here's what I've got. Yo will just have to send for this death cert from GRO, ref. is; JANE CRUMP DEC QTR 1850 WELLINGTON 18-145, other deaths, well there are two for CHARLES, as you said. I pulled up children from the parent search on IGI these are;  SAMUEL b. 1795, Rodington,JANE b. 1799, Wrockwardine,ELIZA b. 1805 Wrockwardine,EDWARD b. 1811 Wellington,CHARLES b. 1798, Wrockwardine,JOHN C b. 1807, Wrockwardine. As for thinking that JANE was a spinster on marriage because you have a witness of bride's sister, does not gell that she was a spinster because of that. Other thing I found is this on IGI again;  RODINGTON is close to LONGDEN UPON TERN. I know different dob but I think this is her? Fits in with first child's  birth ? 





22 OCT 1769 Rodington, Shropshire, England





Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
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Hello again       A  big thank you to Angela and Martyn. I am quite happy that the Jane Gregory born 24th Sept 1769 is "my" Jane Gregory. There is also an Ann Gregory bapt 14th April 1765 in Rodington with parents James and Martha. It is possible therefore that Hannah (Janes unmarried mother) and James were brother and sister. I will explore that possibility. I am going to the archives in October so I will have a look for the burials of Jane and Charles then. Again thank you .  Incidentally Martyn if there is anything that I can find out about the Crump family, which may be pertinent to my Crump line,  please can you point me in the right direction to find out more.     Terence

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
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No, Hannah (mother of the Jane on whom you have settled as Mrs Crump) may be she bap in 1749 at High Ercall, but have not yet seen the full entry. She may have been first child of James (bap 1729 at Rodington) who later appears as married to a Martha, with issue of whom the said Ann (bap 1765) was the penultimate. That marriage has not yet been found

Next question, over which I still dither but can probably soon settle, is whether James was son or grandson of Thomas (bap 1678-9, my own ancestor). Question of possibly two marriages of that Thomas to two Sarahs.

In other words you cannot safely settle all this by IGI alone: all entries needed, Rodington and Upton Magna. (Have such, and Wills; just need to tabulate it all, definitively).

You ask me for further assistance. But, assuming that you are the same Terence, you have not yet acknowledged the work that I did last week at Archives on Jane Evans.

Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
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Hello Martyn  I would like to reiterate my gratitude for any assistance that you or anyone else has made on my behalf. I feel upset that you appear to think that I am ungrateful- it couldnt be further  from the truth.

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
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Fine, Terence. Please check again soon on this thread. I may have resolved a few things. Fairly humble folk, by the way.

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
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Terence, this morning I extracted all refs for James Gregory, any period, from printed and indexed registers of High Ercall. First entry is the bap of Mary in 1748 when father James was described as "a tailor". Mother unnamed. Mary buried later in 1748, James then of "Painton". This, now Poynton, is a stragging hamlet on the back road (not B 5063) from Roden to Shawbury. Then comes bap of Hannah 25.10.1749, again of Painton, no mother. Then Elizabeth 2.8.1751, James then of parish of Rodington (next south of HE). Further issue you can find in IGI by a parent search James Gregory and Martha, These in Rodington; but said Elizabeth, and Benjamin buried at HE. Martha wife of JG of R buried 3.5.1780 at HE; JG of "Somorewood" (Somerwood on the Shrewsbury side of the village) buried 5.1.1790.

I now have the difficulty in accounting for the burial of another JG 25.4.1755 at Rodington. He may have been one whose Will was proved at Shrewsbury ("sub-office" for Lichfield) in 1755, but Will as of Christ Church parish, London. He was married with a then pregnant wife Mary.

In other words, what with a first seen child in 1748, marriage not yet seen, and a conflicting other JG, the father of Hannah cannot yet be claimed to be he bap 1729 at R, son of Thomas and [ as I now see it, second wife ] Sarah [ Humphris ] . More perhaps anon.

Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
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Hello Martyn    Thank you for all the info that you have given me . It will take me some time to digest it and to reach any conclusions. I hope to contact you soon. Very best wishes.

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011


Terence, no trace (but you must not rely on me) of burial of Jane Crump in the last three months of 1850, and leeway either side, in Wellington All Saints (the old, original parish), Wellington Christchurch, High Ercall, Rodington. Post-1812 burial register of Longdon-on-Tern not yet deposited. I suggest re-applying for that death certificate, but at GRO HQ. When looking again in FreeBMD, click on the blue Wellington, then when open, the final blue “here”. This gives a list of all parishes in the District.


Better news for Charles Crump. His place of birth for 1851 Census was Aston; and aged 78. Aston will be Aston under Wrekin in Wellington parish; and his bap there 15.5.1774, son of Jeremiah and Margaret Crump, per IGI. Register has no further detail. Those parents marriage is in IGI in 1768. Their burials at Wellington, per SFHS Burials Index: Margaret Crump, Aston, 22.7.1817 aged 68; Jeremiah Crump, Wrekin Hill 13.4.1828 aged 85. Baps of Jeremiah Crump in 1743 at Broseley; of Margaret Stanworth 1748 at Wellington.


As regards Jane, as Gregory, I am now satisfied that the Will dated 20.4.1755 of James Gregory of London is that of he buried 25.4.1755 at Rodington. This is even though there is no reference in the Will to Rodington or Shropshire. But I have now identified the two married sisters named therein, both in High Ercall; and with the two named brothers, these are the four children of Thomas Gregory, of Rodington (buried 1730) by his first wife Sarah Barker (buried 1727). James, bap 1729, was only child of TG’s second marriage to Sarah Humphris. She seems to have gone on to marry Philip Onions, later at Somer Heath and was seemingly mother of Philip Onions, bap 1732 at High Ercall. That Philip is referred to as brother by James Gregory, and proved the Will as sole executor in 1756.


So, on this basis, James, bap 1729, cannot be James the tailor at Poynton, High Ercall, father of Hannah, mother of the Jane whom you see as later Jane Crump.


I cannot see in IGI an alternative bap for that latter James. He seems to have a greater affinity with High Ercall than Rodington, such as by burying some young children at HE, even though bap at R - and of course being buried at H E, himself. A bap might be missing at H E or adjacent Shawbury; while I have already mentioned the lost or damaged registers of Stoke.


Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Bit more from yesterday's searches, Terence.

Rodington: 7.8.1772 Thomas Turner of this parish, labourer and Hannah Gregory of this parish, spinster married by banns by Revd William Gorsuch, Vicar of Holy Cross, Shrewsbury. Witnesses James Gregory and Edward Bowen. All by mark (except the Vicar).

There is however an otherwise unaccounted Hannah Gregory buried there 23.6.1784, late of the Sales [ which I think is at Somerwood - just up the road from me ] .

No Gregory MIs at High Ercall; but then I suspect from other interests there and having seen the churchyard that many older stones were cleared.

The Crump / Medlicott marriage at Meole Brace in 1730/1 needs checking out. If I do not report on this in next week ask via archives@shropshire.gov.uk. Amateur postings in IGI hint that Mary Medlicott was of Wentnor. That is parish containing the hamlet or surviving farm of Medlicott on western side of the Longmynd.

An ancient family, much studied. "Proper" pedigrees available at Archives. They ranked as gentry for the Heralds in 1663. Much on the net, including a dedicated site; but caution needed over other material. Very widespread and in several counties. Have pottered for others in pat but no material readily to hand. Can be difficulties of two or more of same names in same areas of similar ages. I suggest a fresh posting when you are ready - to highlight the name.

Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
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Hello  Martyn Once again thank you very much for all your information. I feel like the cat who has got the cream . This will obviously take me some time to study . It is our 40th wedding anniversary today so I will have to resist the temptation of spending too much time on my long lost ancestry (for today at least) Again thank you (do you think it is a possibility that Thomas Turner could have been Jane Gregorys father and that thet made it "legal" 4 years after she was born?) 

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

A niggle that might be raised over the identification of the James Gregory who was buried 25.4.1755 at Rodington is "how did he get himself down to Rodington to be buried 5 days after signing his Will in London ? ". Answer: he didn't; it was written for him in or near Rodington by Richard Amies, one of the three witnesses (probably he bap 28.5.1716 at High Ercall); while another of the three witnesses, was Peter Brisbourne (bap there 27.9.1723). James' signature very shaky.

Sales farm, by the way, is indeed at Somerwood. (Knew this perfectly well: ancestor John Ferrington lived there also around same or earlier period).

Another possibility for the missing baptism of the other James Gregory is Hadnall, where both registers and BTs are missing. This smaller parish is next west of Shawbury where Gregory has been noted in passing in IGI for the relevant period.

Last seen: 11 years 4 days ago
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Hello again Martyn  Once again a big thank you for keeping me up to date on the Gregorys. I am going on holiday on Sat so I will be unable to contact you for a while but please believe me I am very grateful. I have other queries (eg Wilkinsons in Prees) but I dont want to push my luck too much at the moment.