John Bayley 1781-1844

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Last seen: 17 hours 36 min ago
Joined: Thursday, 27-06-2024


I'm trying to track down any information I can about one of my ancestors - John Bayley. He was the last of my family line to stay in England - his son moved to Canada.  The information we have in Canada really ends with that Bayley. 

I find iin Ancestry that John was either born in Loppington or Shawbury. And that he died and is buried in Loppington.  But I cannot find any information for example of where he is buried. Checking Findagrave, it lists graves in Loppington but does not show him. 

I will be travelling through Shropshire on July 9, so if anyone has any suggestions where I could find more information, either about John or the Bayley family, that would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Bayley



Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 4 hours 43 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello Michael

The Shropshire Parish Records on Find my Past (subscription web site) tell us that a John BAYLEY of Loppington aged 64 was buried on 29th February 1844 so he will have been born about 1780.  You didn't give us any dates in your message so is this your relative?

The monumental inscriptions at Loppington were transcribed in 1981 but there is no trace of anyone with the surname BAYLEY.  This is not unusual because only a small proportion of those who were buried had a grave stone erected by their relatives.

Looking again on Find my Past there is a baptism for a John BAYLEY on 25 Dec 1779 at Loppington.  His father's name was Richard and the mother Anne.  Does this fit with your other information?

There is no trace of a John BAYLEY being baptised at Shawbury.

If you don't have access to Find my Past at home try your local library or archives.


Last seen: 17 hours 36 min ago
Joined: Thursday, 27-06-2024

Hi Mike,

Yes that sounds like it mostly fits my information. 

For his birth year, I see the 1871 census where he's living with his daughter and lists his age as 90 - which would be born around 1781. But if he was baptized in 1779, maybe he just rounded or shaved a couple of years off! 

I had not thought of the possibility of there not being a marker. I assumed maybe the stone had worn to the point of not being legible or something, but your point makes sense. 
I haven't done any digging in our local libraries in Canada as I'm told that not much records came over  and the first to move over was John's son Edward - who's grave I've been too - my grandfather (Edward's son) and other relatives are also there.

Next week we'll be around Loppington and will stop by anyway just to look around to see what the place is like  

Thanks again!


Last seen: 6 hours 40 min ago
Joined: Tuesday, 9-02-2021

Hi Micheal Bayley, Just to make sure of your lineage, is this the death of your ancestor Edward Bayley?

Edward Bayley Died Oct 1. 1888, aged 76 & 11 Mo's Chatsworth, On, Canada
A native of Shropshire England

Best Regards