LEWIS of Little Stretton

3 replies [Last post]
Last seen: 10 years 15 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 27-08-2011


I am new to this site, so not sure of how things work, so i am posting this message and hoping for the best.

I am tracing the Lewis family, formally of Little Stretton and although i have some facts there seems to be  still a lot to be found.  Unfortunately, i don't live in the area so have to rely on the internet for information.  From the records i have it seems Lillian Lewis born 1895,  was still living in Little Stretton up to the 1980's, and John Lewis born 1879, who lost a leg in WW1, died in 1960.  There parents were Henry & Mary Ann Lewis married 1870's, their other children were: Sarah E , Elizabeth, Alice(Allee), Agnes, Minnie & Selina.  Any information on the family would be gratefully received.



SFHS WebMaster (not verified)

Hi Gill, I have moved your posting to be a New Post in "Shropshire Family History Discussion", hope you don't mind, but that's where everyone would expect it to be.

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Hello, if you are looking for continuing family it might be a good idea to send a letter to local newspapers, such as Shrewsbury Chronicle or Ludlow Advertiser. I can post contact details separately, later.

If you are seeking to trace the ancestry of the couple and are new to research you can try the FAQ icon at the top. But there are many good guide books and monthly magazines. You need to get back via certificates to before 1837 before local records come into things.

But for a start here are Henry and Mary Ann at 1881 Census, per the free Family Search. Ashes (Valley) is at Little Stretton.

1881 census transcription details for:  The Ashes, Church Stretton
National Archive Reference:
RG number: RG11      Piece: 2623      Folio:  49      Page:  8        
Reg. District:  Church Stretton  Sub District:  Church Stretton
Parish:  Church Stretton  Enum. District: 
Ecclesiastical District:   City/Municipal Borough: 
Address:  The Ashes, Church Stretton
County:  Shropshire

Name      Relation Condition Sex Age Birth Year  Occupation Where Born
LEWIS, Henry Head Married M 31 1850  Railway Lab  Church Stretton, Shropshire
LEWIS, Mary A Wife Married F 29 1852   Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales
LEWIS, Sarah E  Daughter Single F 6 1875 Scholar  Church Stretton, Shropshire
LEWIS, John Son Single M 2 1879 Scholar  Church Stretton, Shropshire


Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Letters to editor for publication - by e-mail:

Shrewsbury Chronicle - kbennett@shropshirestar.co.uk

Ludlow Advertiser - fiona.phillips@herefordtimes.com