Searching on Ancestry

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Last seen: 8 years 40 weeks ago
Joined: Monday, 24-08-2015

I am looking for help with finding family in Canada, I am on Ancestry but find it hard to confirm the information they give me.  I was on ancestry about 4 years ago but it seems harder to find people on it now than then, I am on world, any ideas as to find out more


[Moved to new thread - MJH]

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 5 min 2 sec ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011


Do you have someone specific you are looking for in Shropshire?

In any case we would be able to give you better help if you can tell us something specific you are looking for - name, age, date, place.

Ancestry recently made some changes to their site which some people are finding difficult but if you keep going you should be able to sort it out in due course.

If you are just getting far too many entries when you make a search use the sliders in the top left of the results screen to force the search to be more precise.  This is particularly important with common names where you can be offered thousands of possible results.
