WATTS Family Claverley

3 replies [Last post]
Last seen: 12 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 8-11-2011

Can anyone look up a baptism for Eleonor Watts 1791 Claverley please



Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

Sorry but this would be a waste of effort: the entry that you will have seen in the IGI is merely a "flier" by a private researcher. If there were a real entry it would be in the IGI as such, with a real, full date. There is no real entry for the names for a good spread of years either side of 1791 in Salop or nearby Staffs.

If you can spell out your problem someone may have a clue.

Martyn Freeth
Last seen: 12 years 17 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011

As I was at Archives this afternoon, I checked the fiche for Claverley baptisms in 1791. Nil for "your" EW, nor for years either side. Also I selected another baptism in 1791 - a Susannah Light; and at home I see that she is in the IGI as a real entry from the records, thus confirming what I said earlier, that a real entry for EW would have been there.

Last seen: 12 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: Tuesday, 8-11-2011


thanks for checking.

I got Eleanor's age from the 1841 census,Wolverhampton, so may be out by a couple of years.

She was married  14 Dec 1812 in Claverley to Thomas Norton.

The witnesses were John Watts and Jane Walker.

She was dead by 1851.

