are there any records of patients in salop mental institution in 1939. looking to see anything on james partridge born in 1887

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are there any records of inpatients in salop mental hospital in 1939 plus.  i m trying to find out anything abut james partridge born 1887 in st chads, frankwell, mom ann and dad samuel.  i know james was in the mental hospital in 1939 and died in 1951. just looking for any information about why he was in there and how long for.  thank you 

Michael J Hulme
Last seen: 6 hours 24 min ago
Joined: Saturday, 4-06-2011


I think you will find that any such records that do exist will be subject to a 100 year closure restriction. If you are able to visit Shropshire Archives to check if they do have any records which could help you they may be able to look at them for you even though they won't be able to show you the actual records.


Last seen: 12 hours 44 min ago
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Hello Mollymandysb, I have found James Partridge of New Street in a newspaper report in the Shrewsbury Chronicle dated 31st March 1905. Charged with loitering.

If you would like to see the article I could send it to you. Just Ask the moderator for my email address.

Best Regards


Last seen: 12 hours 44 min ago
Joined: Tuesday, 9-02-2021

Hi Mollymandysb, I've done some more digging for you. I think it's likely that James Partridge was a long term patient in (Shelton) mental hospital.
In that newspaper report (1905) it stated he was again charged with loitering. If I were you I would purchase a copy of both his birth & death records. They are
both available as images which only cost £3.00 each.

His parents:
Marriages Jun 1877   
Partridge     Samuel         Atcham     6a    1262
Coldwell     Ann                Atcham     6a    1262

Birth:                              Mothers maiden name
PARTRIDGE, JAMES               COLDWELL      
GRO Reference: 1886  J Quarter in ATCHAM  Volume 06A  Page 699

Death:                               Age at death
PARTRIDGE, JAMES                 64  
GRO Reference: 1951  M Quarter in SHREWSBURY  Volume 09A  Page 260

Him & his family:

1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census
16, New Street, Shrewsbury St Chad, Atcham, Shropshire, England
First name(s)  Last name  Relationship  Marital status  Sex  Age Birth year Occupation  Birth place
Samuel       Partridge    Head    Married    Male    49    1852    Journeyman tanner    Pulverbatch, Shropshire, England
Ann            Partridge    Wife    Married    Female    49    1852    -    Bomere Heath, Shropshire, England
Martha E    Partridge    Daughter    Single    Female    23    1878    Domestic servant    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Samuel G   Partridge    Son    Single    Male    20    1881    Goods porter    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Arthur H     Partridge    Son    Single    Male    18    1883    Tobacco packer    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
James        Partridge    Son    Single    Male    14    1887    Errand boy    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Robert E    Partridge    Son    Single    Male    11    1890    -    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Albert C     Partridge    Son    Single    Male      9    1892    -    Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England

Likely Him:
1911 Census For England & Wales
Bicton Heath Near Shrewsbury, Bicton, Shropshire, England
Institution name Salop County And Wenlock Borough Lunatic Asylum
First name(s)     J
Last name     P
Age     24
Sex     Male
Birth place Unknown
Occupation     None
Marital status     Single
Infirmity as transcribed Lunatic 4
Relationship to head     Patient
Birth place as transcribed Unknown
Country     England
Registration district     Atcham
Registration district number     349
Age as transcribed     24
Sub-district     St Chad
Sub-district number     3
Enumeration district number     7
Archive series     RG14
Piece number     16095
Schedule     9999
Census reference RG14PN16095 RD349 SD3 ED7 SN9999
RG 78 piece number     993
Other household member first name(s)     -
Other household member last name     -
Institution description Salop County & Wenlock Borough Lunatic Asylum
Full address     Bicton Heath Near Shrewsbury, Bicton, Shropshire, England
Address     Bicton Heath Near Shrewsbury
Record set     1911 Census For England & Wales
Category     Census, land & surveys
Subcategory     Census
Parish     Bicton
County     Shropshire
Collections from     Great Britain, England

Likely Him:
1921 Census Of England & Wales
Institution name County Lunatic Asylum Bicton Heath Near Shrewsbury
*This was how the place was indexed on FMP! County  Asylum, Birton Heath, Buton & Minsterley & Atcham, Shropshire, England*
First name(s)     J
Last name     P
Sex Male
Age 34
Birth place     Not Known
Marital status     Single
Relationship to head     Patient
Person making return     Dr W Stanley Hughes
Registration district     Atcham
Registration district number     349
Sub-district     Westbury
Sub-district number     3
Census date     19 June 1921
Enumeration district number 28
Age in years     34
Birth country     Not Known
Birth place as transcribed     Not Known
County     Shropshire
Age as transcribed 34 y
Country     England
Parliamentary borough or division Shropshire PC, Shrewsbury Div.
Archive     The National Archives
Archive series     RG 15
Piece number     12400
District reference     RD 349 RS 3 ED 26, 27, 28
Language used to complete form     English
Schedule type code     III
Schedule type     Institution, multiple page, 70+ entries
House name     County ? Asylum
Other household member's first name(s)     -
Address County ? Asylum Birton Heath
Parish     Buton, Minsterley, Atcham
Street     Birton Heath
Institution description    County Lunatic Asylum, Bicton Heath, Near Shrewsbury
Other household member's last name     -
Record set     1921 Census Of England & Wales
Category     Census, land & surveys
Subcategory     Census
Collections from     Great Britain, England

1939 Register:
Address Salop Mental Hospital, Shrewsbury
First name(s)     James
Last name(s)     Partridge
Birth date     ? ? 1887
Sex     Male
Marital status     Single
Occupation     Mental Patient
Institutional role     Patient
E. D. letter code     OIML
Birth day     -
Birth month     -
Birth year     1887
Schedule     2
Schedule sub number     81
Archive reference     RG101/5187A/009/22
Piece number     5187A
Item number     9
Line number     22
Special interest groups Mental Health
Record set     1939 Register
Place     Shrewsbury M.B.
Category     Census, land & surveys
Borough / district     Shrewsbury M.B.
Subcategory     Census
County     Shropshire
Country England
Collections from     Great Britain, England, Wales
Info on the person who made the return on the above 1921 Census.
He was appointed head of the above mental hospital/asylum in April 1913.

Dr W. Stanley Hughes of Shrewsbury. (His dog an) English Springer Spaniel called 'Tivy Floss' came 2nd in class, of both open bitches and limited bitches-
at a Show in Welshpool where the Prince of Wales was in attendence, July 1923.
His address in 1955-60 was: Brynderw, Vane Road (off Longden road), Shrewsbury

Births Dec 1879                Mothers maiden name
GRO Reference: 1879  D Quarter in ABERAYRON  Volume 11B  Page 42

1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census
5, Bath Street, Aberystwith, Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire, Wales
First name(s) Last name  Relationship Marital status  Sex  Age  Birth year Occupation    Birth place
Thomas    Patten    Head    Married    Male    51    1850    Butcher    Farnworth, Lancashire, England
Frances A    Patten    Wife    Married    Female    52    1849    -    Birkenhead, Cheshire, England
Frances M    Patten    Daughter    Single    Female    19    1882    -    Southport, Lancashire, England
Janetta P    Kenrick    Niece    Single    Female    8    1893    -    Widnes, Lancashire, England
John C    Hughes    Boarder    Single    Male    19    1882    Mining engineer    New Quay, Cardiganshire, Wales
Thomas G    Rees    Boarder    Single    Male    17    1884    Mining engineer    Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire, Wales
W Stanley    Hughes    Visitor    Single    Male    21    1880    Medical student    New Quay, Cardiganshire, Wales

His 1st:
Marriages Mar 1911  
Hughes   William S           Tregaron     11b    82
Jones     Eleanor             Tregaron     11b    82

Him & his 1st Wife:
1911 Census For England & Wales
Asylum Residence Denbigh, Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales
First name(s) Last name  Relationship  Marital status  Sex  Age Birth year  Occupation    Birth place
William Stanley   Hughes    Head          Married    Male    31    1880    Medical superintendent    Cardigan New Quay
Eleanor              Hughes    Wife          Married    Female    30    1881    -    Cardigan Tregaron
Sarah          Roberts    Servant          Single    Female    32    1879    Cook domestic    Denbigh Denbigh
Mary Elizabeth      Jones     Servant          Single    Female    25    1886    Housemaid domestic    Denbigh Denbigh

His 1st Wife's:
Death Jun 1931         Age
Hughes     Eleanor     50     Atcham     6a    707

His 2nd:    
Marriages Sep 1935  
Hughes     William S     Atcham     6a    1915
Smith     Elizabeth P     Atcham     6a    1915

1939 Register:
Address     Medical Superintendents House, Shrewsbury
First name(s)     William Stanley
Last name(s)     Hughes
Sex     Male
Birth date     13 Sep 1879
Marital status     Married
Occupation     Medical Superintendent Of Mental Hospital
Institutional role     Officer
Birth day     13
Birth month     9
Birth year     1879
Place     Shrewsbury M.B.
Borough / district     Shrewsbury M.B.
County     Shropshire
Country     England
E. D. letter code     OIML
Schedule     6
Schedule sub number     1
Piece number     5187A
Item number     24
Line number     36
Archive reference     RG101/5187A/024/36
Record set     1939 Register
Category     Census, land & surveys
Subcategory     Census
County     Shropshire
Collections from     Great Britain, England, Wales
His 2nd Wife:
1939 Register:
First name(s)     Elizabeth P
Last name(s)     Hughes
Birth date     07 Mar 1883
Sex     Female
Marital status     Married
Occupation     Unpaid Domestic Duties
Address     Medical Superintendents House, Shrewsbury
Birth day     7
Birth month     3
Birth year     1883
Place     Shrewsbury M.B.
Borough / district     Shrewsbury M.B.
County     Shropshire
Country     England
Schedule     6
Schedule sub number     2
Archive reference     RG101/5187A/024/37
E. D. letter code     OIML
Piece number     5187A
Item number     24
Line number     37
Record set     1939 Register
Category     Census, land & surveys
Subcategory     Census
County     Shropshire
Collections from     Great Britain, England, Wales

Deaths Mar 1960  
HUGHES     William S     80     Shrewsbury     9a    201

His 2nd Wife's:
Deaths Mar 1965  
HUGHES     ELIZABETH P     81     SHREWSBURY     9A    188


Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
Joined: Tuesday, 2-08-2011

thank you all and i apologise for not getting back sooner [the dreaded lurgi] i was researching for another lady who had gone down the wrong track with james partridge.  i too have a james partridge born in shrewsbury at the same and have all the information, so was helping her to find her own james.  thank you all again

