Paper Mill, Weston Rhynn

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Last seen: 1 year 42 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 25-10-2014

Have limited info on my Ancestor  Edward GREEN who owned the above Mill during the 1790's until his death in 1797.Burial never found, not in P.R of St Martins or any other parish.

Been trying to find more details on this ancestor for over 40 years. Is anyone else looking for him, or has any information which might lead to my filling in so many blanks.? 

Have his will and on his death the mill passed to his daughter Tamar and her husband Thomas DUCKETT my Gt, Gt  Gt Gransparents. Their lives are well documented, my maiden name was Duckett but I am interested in the 'Green' side of the family. Any help or advice much appreciated. Many thanks


Last seen: 10 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Saturday, 11-06-2011

Hi Greta,

Do you have any details on Tamar Green? Her forename is unusual so I did a quick search on the subscription website FindMyPast and found her 1795 marriage record in Weston Rhynn. I then widened the search outside of Shropshire for her baptism and there is one from May 1772 in the parish of Warden, Northumberland, with her father's name being Edward Green and their residence being Paper Mill; she was actually baptised in Newbrough Chapel.

Could this be your ancestor? If so then searching Northumberland records for marriage of Edward and also baptism of siblings of Tamar may find useful leads.

As Weston Rhynn is close to Welsh border have you searched in neighbouring Welsh parishes for Edward's burial?



Last seen: 1 year 42 weeks ago
Joined: Saturday, 25-10-2014

Thank youPhil.

Yes I have details of Tamar's bap also her sister Esther (Hester sic) in May 1774. and the buriel of a  daughter Isabella in July 1777 in Warden but no bap. recorded From Edwards will I note that his wife is Eleanor also he has a sister Ann Oliver and wife sister Isabella.NORMAN. 

 Problms: have no idea of Eleanor';s  maiden name so can't find their marriage. Did find one marrige of an Ann GREEN to a Cuthbert OLIVER in Northumberland but have no proof that this is the correct entry also am I looking for Ann GREEN or maybe she was previously married and OLIVER is  her second marriage.But at present that is only of secondary importance.

Other complications: there were two Edward GREEN's living in close proximity in Salop. at the same time. The former  Ifton Green, died in 1793 (no will) and mine Sep 1797. Also BOTH held property in Daywell and Porkington I rhink they may have been leased from Thomas Price, Joiner of Shrewsbury, who incidently was an exetutor of my Edwards will. Another complication is that there were 3 marriages in Shrop. of an Edward GREEN to an Eleanor , one surname BLUNDELL, forgotton the other but date did not fit.  The basic problem is that I have no idea of when or where Edward was born, so no indication of his age at death and don;'t know who his parents were. As paper makers were peripatetic they could have travelled the country for work. Tamar died in 1862? aged 93 years and on census gave birthplace as Hexam which fits.So did Edward originate in Northumberlnd? Shropshire? or elsewhere?

No I haven't tried any welsh parishes, wouldn';t know where to start, also at that period would they still be using the patronimic system? I really do not have a clue which records would be helpful to me anymore. Over the years I have looked at so many. Obviously I must have missed some. One more thing. The Shewsbury Chronicle, in their paper of (I think) Sept. 1797. wrote. 'The death of Mr Edwaed GREEN of the paper Mill at Weston Rhyn on 7th Sept. much regretted' nothing else and have never found an obit.

inciidently his wife who died 4 years later WAS buried at St Martins.but no clues there either!

I do apologise for this epistle but needed to make the situation and problems clear. Basically I am stuck but after 40 years am reluctant to give up now. Also as I live some distace away (Manchester/Stocport area) I am unable now to visit fairly frequently as in the past.

kind regards and thanks


r scond mrrige.

Last seen: 10 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Saturday, 11-06-2011

Hi Greta,

You certainly seem to have a few complex issues to sort out. I wish you luck. The following may or may not help. Firstly, this is probably a red herring but I did find a marriage record in Weston Rhyn in 1768 of an Edward Green to a Pamphilia Holbrook. However, there is a more interesting Weston Rhyn marriage (after banns) record of an Edward Green and Elinor Blundail / Blundale on 25th November 1776, with Edward described as a Labourer from “this Parish” and Elinor as a spinster, again of “this parish”, with a John Green being a witness. I realise this is later than the baptism records of Tamar and Hester Green, but did Edward marry twice, both times to a woman named Elinor? It sounds improbable, but I do have a similar occurrence in my own ancestry, which was validated by finding the burial of the first wife.

This is probably a coincidence but on the  19th October 1776 a James Green (a weaver?) of Llangadfan married Elizabeth Davies of “this Parish” at Weston Rhyn.

Not sure what else to suggest, except a longshot on the name Tamar. Does it occur again in the family? It is a Hebrew name, but also the name of a river in south-west England?

